For effective management, employee recognition is pivotal. However, today, as the competition for talent is on a boom, how a company values its employees is more crucial than ever before. To go about with it, the first step is building a recognition program. So, if your organization does not have one already, it is where you start. However, an employee recognition plan is not something which
the company’s form once and accept it as perfect. Every great organization persistently revaluates how the employees are rewarded. It means that they cater to the everchanging needs of the market and the people.

With growth in the company, it, in a way, becomes challenging, and leaders need to rethink how they can add value to the employee recognition experience.
Defining Employee Recognition
It is a pivotal method that the management uses to help the employees know that they value their contributions. Employees always want to know from the management how they are doing, and when leaders recognize their efforts, they feel valued. Organizations must recognize the employees' efforts for going above and beyond for their tenure, achievements, desired behaviors, or service.
Why Should Leaders be Recognition Champions?
Right from the moment we are kids, we crave recognition from our friends, parents, and teachers. Our desire for positive affirmation is so strong that we often perceive a neutral reaction as negative during our developmental age.
As we grow up, we have a similar opinion at our workplace. So, that is when the role of leaders comes into force. When leaders acknowledge the employees, it helps:
Better employee engagement
Retain top talent
Encourage high performance
In a leading survey involving employees from different organizations, it was found that thirty-seven percent of employees believe that personal recognition from leadership motivates them to yield better work.
How can Leaders Establish a Good Employee Recognition Culture?
Several organizations, regardless of strong company culture, are unable to recognize their employees individually. Though there is no one-size-fits-all program for all organizations, some elements can help leaders establish a good employee recognition culture.
Be Relevant and Specific
Employee recognition is more rewarding when it is associated with a specific business objective or accomplishment. Thus, as management, you need to explain what this recognition is for when you recognize the employees. It will help the employees integrate the recognition with the behavior, and this will, in turn, drive strong performance.
Be Timely
Recognition has to be prompt. Any recognition that arrives months after the task delivery loses its true essence. The longer leaders take to recognize your employees, the less authentic it appears. At every organization, employee recognition must be a priority, and there should be a formal system to
ensure that the recognition is always done timely.
Recognition can Take Several Forms
Many studies prove that there are more than a few ways to motivate your employees than just giving them some hard cash. Of course, everyone has their preferences and style when it comes to both awarding and receiving recognition. In a work setting, you should try to acquire a primary picture of the language of appreciation for every individual. For instance, if you think it is the perks
that make them happier instead of a bonus, you should recognize them with perks.
Further, besides a raise or a bonus, you can also give your employees customized gifts for recognition, take them out for lunch, or any other personalized acts to show them that you value their effort.
Watch out for Little Things
Though it is vital to acknowledge the employee's substantial accomplishments, managers should not ignore little things. A thank-you every day for little tasks can also mean so much. You can also give out handwritten notes or use the intranet to promote an individual's contribution to the
organization. All of this can go a long way in instilling a persistent employee recognition culture in an organization.
Link to the Bigger Picture
When you recognize your employees, it helps them see that their organization values their contributions. It makes them feel that they have contributed to the organization in some way. So, it boosts their morale and confidence. You can regularly update your employees about how their effort is taking you closer to achieving the company mission, and that will give them a sense of security that they are valuable to the company.
The Bottom line
In every organization, recognition is pivotal. However, it does not always have to be expensive or complicated. You can directly ask your employees what is of utmost value to them, and you will be surprised to know that it is always the simple things and genuine expression that matters the most.